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Tindell Baldwin »

Dozen Roses

PINIMAGEWell I am writing to you after one heck of a weekend. I had the honor and pleasure of heading down south to Lake Park, GA to be apart of the Popular girls conference that First Baptist Lake Park put on. I can’t begin to describe what it feels like to do something you are so deeply passionate about. Getting to spend time with the girls in between sessions and hearing how my story and their story collide was truly inspirational and I shared something at the conference that I wanted to share with all of you. It was a memory I had from when I was seventeen.

I had spent all day at my best friends house crying over the heartbreak of my “first love”. It was getting dark though and the situation wasn’t getting any better so headed home. I left them still in tears and headed home to an empty house, I knew they would be at my younger brothers picture party (if you dont know what this is say a tiny praise Jesus), but when I got home something was waiting for me. In my room was a dozen roses with a simple note. “You are deeply loved, love mom and dad” 

Now this story sounds sweet but nothing extraordinary until you know the context. I had gone out to lunch with my dad that day because he was worried I had a drinking problem. I had shown up to a couple of school functions where he had been obviously wasted so he was concerned. It was during this conversation that I got the phone call that another mistake I had made while drinking ended my current relationship. Again I was 17. So there I was at lunch with dad talking about my drinking problem and quite honestly my ongoing attitude problem when the consequences of my drinking called me on the phone. 

However, inspite of my disobedience, in spite of my utter disregard for their rules, despite my constant attitude, my parents left me a dozen roses when I most needed to know that I was loved. I wanted to tell you the same thing I told the girls this weekend. God is making you the same offer, everyday he waits with a dozen roses and a simple note that says “you are deeply loved”, in spite of what you have done, in spite of how you have treated him, and in spite of the fact that we are all undeserving. He is waiting. 

Jeremiah 31:3
 3 The LORD appeared to us in the past,[a] saying:
  “I have loved you with an everlasting love; 
   I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. 

So my question for you today is will you accept his love, with valentines just around the corner (just realized thats tomorrow) will you forget what the world tells you and believe you are deeply loved by the creator of the world. 

Beth Moore said it well in her book Get out of that pit when she said ” You can opt for God. Pitching ever other plan, you can opt for God. Thanks-but-no-thanks to every other deliverer, you can opt for God. Without having a clue how it works, you can opt for God.Not just for his help. but for this entire Person! The Whole God.

This is what is waiting. The dozen roses your heart so desperately needs. You dont need another boy you need a savior. 


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  • Judi Wilder - Tindall, You have an awesome testimony!!! Keep doing what you are doing. My 13 year old daughter and I heard you on Saturday and now my motto is “One Cross is enough!!!!”. Thank you so much for taking time to come and share. My husband was the tall baldheaded man who came up to you after the conference and told you about some of his past. I have a hard time hearing it from him because I know that is not who he is today. We have been married almost 2 years. I know he had to go through all of that to be the man he is today but it pains me to hear that on holidays and birthdays, he was all alone with no one. It was his choices that caused it, but it still hurts me. My hat is off to your husband (and mom) that can sit and hear about all of your past. Thanks again for sharing with our church and community.ReplyCancel

  • Tindell Balwin - Judi,

    It was truly an honor and a blessing to be apart of what God did on Saturday. I know hearing about your husbands past must be hard but I can tell you God uses the broken for his glory. Cling to Gen 50:20 “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is not being done, the saving of many lives.” That is what God does, uses the ugly stuff in our past for his glory.ReplyCancel

  • Where there's Rebellion, there's Hope - Lifetree Family - […] However, in spite of my disobedience, in spite of my utter disregard for their rules, despite my constant attitude, my parents left me a dozen roses when I most needed to know that I was loved… God is making you the same offer, everyday he waits with a dozen roses and a simple note that says “you are deeply loved”, in spite of what you have done, in spite of how you have treated him, and in spite of the fact that we are all undeserving. He is waiting. – Tindell Baldwin […]ReplyCancel

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