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Tindell Baldwin »

I sat with my brother and sister in law, Kristian and Kerri, last night after a wonderful night of babysitting and talked about the trials of ministry, the ups and downs and the sheer weight of being in ministry. I am just beginning, I barely have my feet wet so I was gaining some much needed advice and something Kristian said is still ringing in my ears.

He said, “you know Tindell I can stand on stage and lead worship, and do a great job because that’s my gifting, and I can play the right songs and say the right things, and I can even cause hundreds to come to Christ through my music but if I don’t know God personally then I’ve missed the point of life. Even after all I’ve done for God if I stand at his throne at the end of my life and he says, “but I never knew you personally”, then my life will have been a total waste”

This is why knowing God is so key in ministry, because at the end of the day its not about how many teens I reached and its not about how many people bought my book (which still isn’t out) it’s about the fact that I ooze Jesus. My number one job in life is to know and fall in love with my savior. My gifting can show others Jesus but if I’m not so deeply in love with him myself then it’s all a sham.

So here’s my question for you, do you really know Jesus or are you just doing his work? What is he going to say to you at the end of your life? Will he be proud of what you accomplished but know nothing of you personally or will he be thrilled with who you are and what you’ve done with his name?

I have to say this gave me a real gut check, I’ve gotten so caught up in this whole work God has been doing that I have forgotten who gave me the gifts in the first place. My number one goal is to fall in love with Jesus anything after that is just his blessing.

For Kristians Ministry visit

And….. For a fun clip from babysitting watch this Jumping Norah Bean



  • jackie - Yes, amen to this. Crazy convicting, but seriously cool. It is good to check yourself on your motives. It is wonderful to know that you can be used so powerfully by God, but, then, like King Uzziah in the Bible, it is easy to forget that God is number one, and it is the relationship that you have with Him that makes it all possible. Thank you so much, because it is sometimes easier to step out and give your testimony than it is to preach a sound a message, and this is both.ReplyCancel

When I was in high school my mom taught abstinence. I first had sex when I was 17. I knew lots of facts. I knew about STD’s and I knew what God said about sex but what I didn’t know was a real life story. I didn’t know the after math of sex. I didn’t know the destruction, the pain, and the sheer heartache that came from pre-marital sex. See this is what abstinence class never taught me. (not that the government would let them but that’s a whole other issue)

When I was seventeen my greatest worry was where the next party would be, how I would get my next high, or where my next handle of vodka was coming from. I wasn’t worried about STD’s. I was worried about my boyfriend leaving me if I didn’t have sex and I was worried about missing out on what everyone else was talking about but when I thought about Sex my mothers talks of abstinence got lost in the clutter. Now don’t get me wrong I am a full proponent of teaching abstinence I just want parents to take another step that school can’t provide.

Forget about the stats for a minute and focus on their heart, their vulnerable, questioning, want to right now heart. Think about where you were at seventeen. Think about the butterflies of your first love or the way it felt when you had your first kiss (ok we can all agreed that sucked but you see where i’m going with this). Kids want feelings not facts. This is why my mission is to show them the bad feelings, the painful ones that come once he has loved you and left you. These are the feelings that aren’t shown on TV. This is what Katy Perry doesn’t sing about. Because your teenage dream might involve your skin tight jeans but tonight is gonna remain on your heart forever.

So my mom was an abstinence teacher and where did that leave me? 17, broken hearted and no longer a virgin. 17, and wishing I had known the true depth of the word heart ache. 17 and wishing abstince could have conveyed the tear that was left when he did. A little piece of me was missing and I knew that I would never get it back. Here’s the problem. once the first piece is gone its easier to let the other ones go. Its easy to justify sleeping with the next guy because you heart is already torn. Thats a lie. Each tear is irreplaceable. Healable… yes! but replaceable.. No!

There is good news though, this pain is temporary and God can heal your broken heart but you have to stop giving your heart away. This is my challenge to you let God heal what is broken and move on. Don’t give any more of your heart away.

  • Brandon - I’m almost 17. I see this happening all around me. It is just little compromises that eventually leads to this.

    My dad once told me to set the standards really (extremely) high and don’t break from them. He gave the example of a water balloon. Every time you give a little bit away to someone, it is like poking it with a needle. Eventually, there will be only a little bit of water left.

    For this reason, I have set my standards high and have vowed not to even kiss anyone until marriage.ReplyCancel

  • Suzanne - So good. So true. The heart is always the focus. My story is similar. The facts don’t matter. The heart has to change for the behavior to change. We have to be transformed by the renewing of our hearts and minds. Thanks for sharing.ReplyCancel

  • AndreaA. - As a child of divorced parents, I was on the receiving end of not one, but two “talks”. Actually, my mom and I talked more about sex because I lived with her, but my dad made a contribution to the conversation as well.

    Dad’s version…Just the facts ma’am. Ovaries, sperm, eggs, yada, yada, yada. A clinical but interesting talk.

    Mom’s version…Feelings! Mom told me about her first time having sex and how she wished now she would have waited. She told me about feeling bad about losing her virginity. She said giving this piece of herself to someone before marriage made her feel less about herself, and obsess over her partner (my dad). She said after the divorce it was easier to give up that part of herself to men she dated because she didn’t have the self-esteem she once did. Her advice to me was wait.

    So did I? I got engaged at age 20 and at 23 we married. And yes, we waited. It was the best decision of my life because I not only gave my husband a special gift, but it was a gift for me as well. It wasn’t easy. In fact, it was downright difficult! Some people didn’t understand. Once we were engaged my friends were surprised we didn’t do it because “you’re getting married anyway, why does it matter?” It mattered. It mattered to me and it mattered to God.

    My husband, who definitely was NOT a virgin when we began dating was patient, kind and worth waiting for. We did kiss before our wedding day (anyone who can wait to do that has my complete admiration!), but the rest was saved for our wedding night.

    So why am I sharing this. I guess it’s because I like to share my “freaky” story of virginity in this modern world, but also because I wanted to tell you that YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! “The Talk” has to include the facts AND the feelings. We have to educate our kids and let them know that yeah, we were once hot-to-trot teenagers too!

    We have to be willing to open up and admit that abstinence is more than a well-intentioned pledge or the opportunity to score some purity-ring bling from mom and dad. It’s about making the hard choice. Standing out from the crowd. It’s about feeling all the excitement and hormones and adolescent eagerness and still making the right choice. It’s not just about not getting pregnant or not getting a disease. It’s about honoring your body as a temple for God and for yourself. It’s about self-respect and knowing that you were made for more.

    So, all that to say, YOU GO GIRL and I look forward to reading your book before having “the talk” with my kids.ReplyCancel

  • jackiebeauchene - Great blog! I agree. I remember in high school that the health teacher’s son was well known as a bad boy. Every kid needs a dose of reality and feelings in with any teaching. On the other hand, it is important that parents do not share too much with their children, such was my case. This can overload a child. One must lean on God for understanding on how far to go in their conversations.ReplyCancel

  • courtney - I love you Tindell.ReplyCancel

  • tindellbalwin - I agree with each of you! We need to know the heart of the matter not just the facts!ReplyCancel

God has been very good to me lately and for that I am thankful. He is expanding my ministry to reach teens and for that I am thrilled. If you missed my two guest posts on friday here are the links

1. On Relevant Brokenness I talked about how we handle it when God says no


2. On People of the Second Chance I was honored to share a story about one of my crazier memories from living an unsaved life. You can check it out at


Thank you for being consistent readers and for letting me share my heart with you. I am continually blessed by your comments and words of encouragment. I can feel that God is moving in my life and I am honored to take these next steps of faith. For those of you who are interested in the book pre released copies will most likely be sold in the next few months otherwise it will hopefully be in stores by next may!

God Bless,

Tindell Baldwin





Standing up for truth will always face adversity.

Standing up for what is right and not what the crowd does will not make others happy.

Being wrong in the eyes of the world is not a fun place to be.

I faced my first backlash from my book this afternoon. It was surprising and painful, and I didn’t handle it well at all. In fact I ran out of the office, called my mom, and cried in the car (like every 24 year old would do). I didn’t take it well because I wasn’t prepared for truth to be spat at. I wasn’t prepared because I lived in a fantasy world where people would want to hear my story and didn’t care if it didn’t match up with their worldview. So I got upset, emailed everyone for support, and asked God if this was really all worth it.

Is it worth pissing people off if others get to hear truth?


As I sat in my car and cried, I realized that Jesus was a hated man. I realized he wasn’t welcomed with open arms when he gave sermons and told stories. Jesus was telling people what they didn’t want to hear, and he was hated. I know that some people will  hate me for my message. Some people will hate that I stand against lies and stand for the truth that will set you free. People will not like that my message tells them that their lifestyle is living in sin. I don’t care though. Because for every 1 bad email I have received I have gotten dozens more from people who have heard truth and are blessed by God’s word. For every one person who stands against me there are ten more who stand with me and will fight for the truth to be heard. It isn’t pretty, but as Francis Chan said at Passion a few years back, “if you’re not making people mad then you’re not doing something right.”

So today the enemy came for me with his teeth bared. He came to warn me that people won’t like me for what I stand for. He came to tell me that I might have to face this with only my savior at my side. I’m ok with that though because if one live gets saved because of my story then I am happy. If one girl doesn’t sleep with her boyfriend because I bared it all then I am satisfied, and if one more teen doesn’t end up in rehab because I talked about how addictive drinking can be then my mission is accomplished. God will be glorified and Satan cannot stop that.

  • Katie Molnar - I love your honesty!! Can’t wait to read the book!ReplyCancel

  • courtney - A W E S O M E T I N D E L L !!!!! Powerful!ReplyCancel

Paul said it perfectly in 1 Timothy when he said “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners- of whom I am the worst”

Someday’s I feel I should have that verse tattooed on my forehead.. God came to say the sinners… of whom I AM the worst. This is the truth about flesh and bone, its sinful. We can try to do good things but the truth still remains God came to save the sinners… of whom I AM the worst.

I am the worst because when he offered his love I spat in his face. I am the worst because when he called me near I ran far away. I am the worst because when he told me lovingly not to do things I did them anyway. We have all been the worst sinner… none of us can lay claim to being a non sinner. None of us can change what Paul said to, Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.. of whom i’m not that bad. If you think you arent that bad then you have missed the point.

God called us to be blameless in his sight and none of us can claim that today. So just how bad of a sinner are you? I can tell you how bad you are, bad enough to deserve the death of a King. Your sin was so bad that a sinless man had to die in his place. You are not a good sinner, you are not occasionally bad, you are inherently bad. You are the worst sinner.

I don’t tell you this to feel bad. I tell you this to realize how much you deeply need a savior because if you grasp just how bad you really are then maybe you will grasp just how wide the arms of grace really are. If you can believe that you are the worst, just like me, then you can start to see just how great the sacrifice was that Jesus made that day. Here is my come to Jesus talk. You are a sinner and you need a Savior. The end.

One of the many times that I got caught having a party at my house my    parents were looking for a unique way to punish me, grounding me for   months on end wasn’t working and I can only guess they were tired of me   being around the house. They decided to give church camp a go, my    brother was leading worship at the    camp, BigStuf, so they figured, what’s the worst that  could happen? They really underestimated me.

The camp is in Panama City so I conned one of my best friends into going  with me. We were placed with some other girls who were labeled “wild”  and I quickly made friends with the girls. We would skip the sessions and  get in constant arguments with our small group leader on why we had to  wear one piece bathing suits. Whenever my small group leader tried to get me to answer questions I would spout off some smart answer about why I didn’t need God. During the worship sessions they had security guards around the hotel so none of the kids would leave, my youth pastor found me yelling at a security guard about why I should be allowed to go up to my room. I finally ran past him and dropped the F bomb. My small group leaders and youth pastors were left shaking their head and praying the worships leaders little sister would straighten up.

Four years later I was setting up for a youth leader meeting when I heard a voice I barely recognized call my name. I turned around to find my small group leader from so many summers ago standing at the door, mouth gaping. “What are you doing here” was all she could manage. “I am an intern”, I said with a smile. She laughed; there wasn’t much else to do. The camp that I fought so hard to leave made an impact I couldn’t even recognize. I dedicated a summer of my sweat and tears into that camp and the best part is at the start of every week I got to share my stories of so many summers ago when I was just a rebellious camper who refused to wear a one piece.

God really does have a sense of humor. He asked me to go back to the camp to show everyone what miraculous things God can do. He asked me to go back because he knew that other people would hear my stories of a kid whose parents thought church camp would whip them into shape and be able to relate. He asked me to go because he knew my dirty past was like so many other campers there that summer. He asked me to go back because grace is powerful and lives can be changed.


Kristian and I when I worked @ BigStuf

  • Carrie Reynolds - Tindell, I am seriously so proud of you for putting it all out there, people need to hear your story because it is so much like others who are maybe not brave enough to say it. Your story brings me back to highschool and how hard it was. You are so talented, love reading your stories and just the way you write in general! I’ll be first in line for your book. Love you cuz!!!ReplyCancel

    • tindellbalwin - Carrie,
      Thank you so much!! I love that God has allowed me to have a story to put out there. I love you tons!ReplyCancel

  • Marni Arnold - Wow, such an amazing testimony of God’s love, mercy and grace! I truly appreciate your transparency. Authenticity is one thing…but transparency…mmmm…that’s a whole other ball of wax; and I deeply appreciate it! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Chris Spradlin - Powerful!! and love the catchy title.ReplyCancel

  • Jessica - .ReplyCancel

I’m just a girl. A girl who made a lot of mistakes. I’m just a girl with a normal story who made a lot of mistakes. I’m just a girl who loved a boy and had sex and then got her heart broken. I’m just a girl who turned to drinking to heal my broken heart, only to find the bottom of a bottle and an empty heart. I’m just a girl who turned to drugs to numb the pain, only to find that the high faded and the pain remained.

I’m just a girl who started searching. Looking for something that could heal all my broken pieces. I looked in my friends, and found comfort but not healing. I looked in family, and I found love but not healing. Then I looked in grace, in the loving arms of a Savior, and I found healing.

He found me broken, humbled, and licking my wounds created from years of sin. He found me in a desperate place, running to anything that promised gratification. He found me crying out for help.

Aren’t we all the same? We all have a story. We are all looking for someone to take our hurt, heal our pain, or give us joy. We are all searching for something that gives us hope that this isn’t all there is.

So what’s your story? What are you running from, and where are you running to? When will you accept the grace that is so freely given?


  • Ashley - I love how you are so real and honest here… I, too, am just a girl who is in desperate need of grace. I am glad your voice is out there to help those of us who have been hurt, sought after the things that created destruction in our lives, and are looking for hope.ReplyCancel

  • Karen Hammons - Your transparency to help others through your personal experiences is so beautiful!! Thank you for being an authentic voice, helping us see the truth of grace being available to all of us.ReplyCancel

  • Eileen - So thankful Ashley tweeted your blog link. Love your blog and can so relate to this post. I’m just a girl who made a lot of mistakes too. I tried to find security in a relationship and used alcohol to numb the pain of all my mistakes too. So very thankful for the HOPE I have in Him! Thanks for sharing this with us.ReplyCancel

  • Mandy - Loved this message. So proud of you, Tindell.ReplyCancel

I got the final copy of my book in last night. It was an exciting thing to see all the kinks worked out and realize this is actually going to become something. I felt a lot of things at the moment but one that stood out was utter fear. The first line in my book after the dedication states,  “I’m gonna give all my secrets away” and I mean every word. I air all of my dirty laundry for my readers to see but why? Why do I dredge up the past, one filled with a lot of unpleasant memories, why do I tell my story without hesitation and there is only one reason.

Because I wish someone had told me.

Because I wish someone would have been honest about sex, drugs, and alcohol. I wish someone had told me their story with none of the gory details left out. I wish someone would have showed me the true side of sin instead of letting me believe what MTV had to say. I wish someone had told me the truth about my Savior instead of finding him in my darkest moment.  Don’t get me wrong my parents did their best but  i’d like to think I would have changed my mind on a few decisions if i had heard a story like mine.  I’d like to think I would have had a prettier past but I don’t.

However, lots of girls have the chance to live differently and its my honest opinion that unless we start being real about what they are facing then we will never get through to them. Unless we talk about the real side of sin they will never want a Savior. If teens think that life is really like Katy Perry’s song “Last Friday Night” they are in for a rude awakening. There is much more to Friday night than getting drunk and having sex but how will they ever know if they don’t hear the truth about getting drunk and having sex.

One of the things my editor said to me at the end of this process is that I will face adversity in the midst of getting this book published but i’m OK with that. I’m OK telling every side of my story if a few lives get saved. I’m OK being real because in the end the glory will be to God and that is all that matters.


  • Brandon - Everyone has a story…you certainly have a story to share! I hope that God will use your book to change people’s lives! When does it officially come out?ReplyCancel

  • allison - When is your book coming out?? I’m a high school student and I can’t wait to read your book!! 🙂ReplyCancel

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