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Tindell Baldwin »

Five Years and Some Change

We went to passion in Fort Worth with expectant hearts. Ben and I had fallen into a spiritual rut and we needed a little God breath to pull us out of it. So we went to see Kristian and Kerri but mostly we went to learn and like God always does he showed up bigger than I could have imagined.

So here we are at passion the last night and John Piper brought us a message that I won’t even try to replicate but needless to say it was amazing. Then worship began and suddenly I was taken back to Passion 06, the year God changed my life forever and I began to walk with him. I looked around me and the venue was pretty much the same, the kids were still college kids, the volunteers had on similar bright orange shirts, but I wasn’t the same.
See five years ago I walked into a Passion conference so deep in sin that I couldn’t see the way out. I walked in so covered in chains I could barely hold my head up but I was there to hear my brother sing.  I had no idea who Louie was or Chris Tomlin, I wasn’t there for John piper and sadly I didn’t know Beth moore, I went to hear my brother sing. But in the moments and hours that followed my first step into the conference something in me changed. I changed. God came down and told me to walk away and threw the chains of sin off me and I’ve never been the same. So I looked around last night and I saw all the familiarity but I looked at my life and lifted my hands in praise because my life isn’t the same.  
Speakers are great. Musicians are great. Conferences are great. But Jesus he is life changing. Jesus is the name the will wreck your world and it might hurt and you might have to suffer for him but you will never regret it. My life changed in a lot of hard ways after 06 but looking back not one of them matters because my savior never left me. Five years later I can still lift my hands in praise and say, “Our God reigns, forever his kingdom reigns.”
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  • Writingfor5 - I am so proud of you Tindell. So proud of the Truth you share and the growth that can be made through it!ReplyCancel

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