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Tindell Baldwin »

God of Grace

Dear Beloved,
I know you are struggling with how to forgive, I know you want to but you just don’t think you can. You don’t think you have the strength but never forget that I do. I can show you how to forgive the wrongs that have been done against you so that you can have peace again. Every time you pray to me I can see this wound festering, begging me to brings my healing ointment. Child I can not heal what you will not reveal to me. I can not mend a wound that you refuse to acknowledge. Ignoring the pain will only make it worse, you cannot go on living like this. Forgiving does not mean you are accepting the behavior or that you are ready to mend the relationship it just shows them that I live in you. I have the power to help you forgive, I have the ability to mend the brokenness in your heart. What happened to you was terrible and I weep for the wrongs done against you but I long for relief for my child. I long to give you peace again. I long to show you what strength you have in me. You have great strength but this is sucking the life out of you. Child it is harder to give forgiveness that to harbor bitterness but anger when left unattended becomes bitterness and it will seep into every part of your life. Don’t become bitter my love, forgive like I have forgiven you. Remember so many months ago when I found you on your knees, you needed my forgiveness and I didn’t think twice. I welcomed you with open arms. They need the same from you, take it step by step, I promise I will be there the whole time. Just say the words you heart is begging of you, I forgive you. Then we will go from there. I will write tomorrow but for now remember these words.
Faithfully yours,
God of Grace

Ephesians 4:32 James 5:16
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as Christ forgave you. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective

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