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Tindell Baldwin »

Questions in Crisis…

I’m not Dave Ramsey, I just want to say that up front because the topic I am about to attempt to cover is probably the topic I suck the most at, money. To me its boring, I like spending it not saving it, and my husband literally shudders when I come home with bags. All that to say God has had to work on me with money. Now that we are attempting to move and buy a house, all the sudden my hands went from open to closed. I now hold onto my money with a tightness that makes the jaws of life look like kittens play. So its fitting that the moment we decided that buying a house was the next step, I was due for a dentist apt. I went it knowing I had at least three cavities but I walked out with a total of 19 and 2 root canals. Let me go ahead and tell you that on my list of fears the dentist might as well be a serial killer. They come at me with those long pointed tools and I literally want to chop their hands off with a large knife. So when they told me that I had to be in the dentist chair for a total of 8 hours worth of dental work and over twenty shots I reacted like all twenty four year olds do, I cried like a baby right there in the chair. All that to say dental insurance is the closest thing to fraud I have ever dealt with and when the bills started pouring in my faith started pouring out. Don’t get me wrong I know all the money verses and before I got married I was as free with my money as I could be. If someone was in need I gave money away but I also had nothing in the form of a savings account. So now I have exceeded my faith limit and my credit card limit and i’m left alone with my savior. I can almost hear him say, “how trivial” but he’s a loving God who listens to my crazy fears so I know he is patiently letting me pour out my heart.

So today in the midst of money crisis I decided I have a few questions to answer. I think they work in most moments of crisis.

1. What does my faith lie in?

Does it lie in my money or in my God of provision?

2. Do I trust him with my future?

Right now if i’m raw and  honest I would have to say no. I want to grasp the future in my own hands and steer it in my direction but i’ve done that and it didn’t turn out very well.

3. Do I know who the bible says God is.

If you dont I challenge you to read Psalms 145 cause it rocked my world. God is compassionate to those he has made, he is close to the downtrodden, he carries the burden of the overloaded, he loves deeply, gives freely, and is overwhelmingly trust worthy.

Here’s the deal, if you don’t know who the bible says God is then satan will create a God that is false. He will create a God in your mind that needs your acts to succeed, one who wants to see you fail, one that’s love depends on your bible reading. If your God is based on acts rather than Love then  you don’t know who the bible says God is. Go read. Find out what you are missing out on.

My prayer for you is that you will make the hard choice and trust God in your crisis. Maybe its not 19 cavities but I know its something God can handle.

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  • Courtney - Everytime it never fails, I am more and more proud of what God is doing in your life. I am amazed by how bold He has made you to share and be willing to put to great use by allowing others to grow from learning about you. We too have been in many (even now) challenges where the world says ” You don’t have the money to live the life God has for you.” Even when we know He has planned it, Satan still tries to discourage us even with our own wants. I’m excited to buy your book, I’m already advertising it to several people. : ) Again, be encouraged, you are a light.ReplyCancel

  • Lisa T. - ” The Lord is faithful to all his promises, and loving toward all he has made. The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down.” Psalm 145…….13-14……………..
    Yes, Tindell, I needed to re-read Psalm 145 and then read it again and again………..
    Thank you for your words from the heart, which send me right back to the Savior and his love letter to me!
    By the way, you have beautiful teeth!!!!!!
    Love you my sweet young friend! lisaReplyCancel

  • Melinda - I read this just last week in a Jentezen Franklin book.
    “God is mobilizing and equippping a female army to build His church and to do His work in these last days.” This was in a Chapter for “Discerning Women” and under the heading “God’s Army of Broken Women.” You are one of these women! My husband came across your blog through your brother’s Twitter feed. He used to run sound for Kristian at Samford. He was correct in that we appear to have similar passions and experiences. I am encouraged by your posts and look forward to reading your book.ReplyCancel

    • tindellbalwin - Thank you so much! I am honored that the Lord would use me at all. Your comment means so much to me!

      God BlessReplyCancel

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